Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Week 4: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.

Fukushima video from helicopter:

more update: "occupancy rates at Ritz-Carlton Tokyo had plunged from 80 to 15 percent since the Japan nuclear crisis began but he expected it to have little impact on the Hong Kong hotel."

1. Mark Whitaker

2. Primary Scenario: Abandoning Tokyo, 160 km away, what what it may do to Japan and the world

3. This is someone's scenario of several factors/trends that will escalate the disaster in Japan. I have put the main points in boldface. It's a good example of a primary scenario. A secondary scenario would be "what do we learn from this bad outcome and how do we avoid it in the future by taking action now?"


Sayonara, Tokyo

And so begins the radioactive ruination of Japan, and much of the rest of the world, at the hands of the nuclear demons unleashed in Fukushima by General Electric and the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The harsh reality, the cruel truth of the matter, is that this ghastly crisis is going to last months or maybe years, and maybe even a very, very long lot of years, given that the half-life of plutonium 239 is twenty-four thousand years.

But don't take my word for it. Here it is straight from the horse's mouth, a bit evasive, but nevertheless a tolerable admission of the truth:

“'Regrettably, we don't have a concrete schedule at the moment to enable us to say in how many months or years (the crisis will be over),' TEPCO vice-president Sakae Muto said ...” (1)

Months or years, the man says. Meanwhile, by the day, the crisis spirals more and more out of control and radiation levels are soaring to their highest levels since the reactors first began melting down and exploding. (2,3,4)

Tokyo is only about 160 miles from the site of the reactors that are melting down. As radiation levels rise in the region it is a firm guarantee that more and more radioactivity will fall out on Tokyo.

No doubt about it.

The inevitable consequence of that will be a dramatic withering of the cultural, social, commercial and economic life of the huge Tokyo megalopolis. As more and more people abandon Tokyo it will become a radioactive shadow of its former self. Of course the economic implications of that for global finance and commerce are immense, Tokyo is one of the three major centers of high finance in the world, along with London and New York, so its abandonment therefore has ineluctable repercussions that will rock the modern, global civilization to its core.

Do you think I'm full of it? That I don't know what I'm talking about?

Tell that to the 25 foreign governments that have already either closed their embassies in Tokyo, or have evacuated Tokyo and moved their embassies to Osaka. (5)

Tell that to the international bankers who are now fleeing Tokyo and Japan in droves. (6)

Tell that to the U.S. Navy which announced on March 17th that it was prepared to evacuate as many as 87,000 personnel if necessary. (7)

Tell that to the USO that announced two days later on March 19th that the U.S. Military has begun a voluntary evacuation of up to 200,000 military personnel and their dependents from Japan. (8, 9)

While all of this has been going on the Japanese government has also urged more evacuations and quietly widened the evacuation zone around the melting down Fukushima reactors. (10, 11)

The plain English translation of all of this activity is that the evacuation of Fukushima, of Japan, and of Tokyo, has already begun. Large numbers of people are already “voluntarily” on the move and fleeing from harm's way. The longer the crisis grinds on, the greater the numbers of people who will leave.

The impact on Japan, Tokyo and the world is incalculable. The dominoes are just beginning to topple and where this concatenation of catastrophic events will finally end, no one can say with certainty just yet.

But I can promise you this much: The Mother Of All Radioactive Roller Coaster Rides has left the starting gate and life will never again be the same for any of us. These weeks, thus, effectively mark the end of one era, and implicitly herald the beginning of another.

We are in new territory now, uncharted, radioactive territory and as this crisis grinds on, one of its initial big victims will assuredly be the city of Tokyo. If these reactors cannot be brought under control then its fate is all but sealed.

Like swarming rats fleeing a sinking ship, the mass exodus of “international bankers” from Tokyo and Japan over the past two weeks has a transparently plain meaning: it's finished, it's over.

So, sayonara, Tokyo. What comes next will not be pleasant.


This is an editorial that the Korea Times didn't want to publish:

Korean Green Future Options

by Mark D. Whitaker

Korea requires a well-planned energy future, and President Lee claims to be going full speed ahead--though to nowhere or oblivion? Korea has great, clean, green technologies that have been abandoned and ignored over the past ten years.

First, national policy should openly oppose oil or nuclear expansion because it’s easy: other native-Korean options exist. Second, oil and nuclear expansion should be resisted because expansion of such dirty industries is a form of extortion on the future. Once started, oil or nuclear are hard to keep from locking in their own extortive infrastructures and externalities for a suboptimal future. Once started, it is hard to keep their politics from locking out clean market options.

Dirty energy has a bad long-term politics, with catastrophically understated disasters as short-term construction interests get rich. Instead, construction industries should be getting rich expanding a clean, green infrastructure. If finance is the art of creating a preferred future, where are Korean finance and thus Korea’s future going?

What’s the Korean, clean, green option? There are two domestic ones to think about and two others to worry about internationally. First, there are completely clean and green Korean techniques to generate energy for transportation instead of a requirement of hybrid cars. Several Korean corporations have completely electric cars. Already many electric cars go just as fast (or faster) than expensive, polluting oil cars. Energy refills are much cheaper: electricity, solar or otherwise.

Second, it may be mind bending to understand that water fuel solutions have existed for over a decade domestically. Korean corporation Best Korea won the 2001 Prime Minister's award for their green, clean technology of water fuel: hydrogen on demand stored as water. They won another award from the Korean government for the best patented invention in 2000. The future is here. In fact, the future went by you ten years ago, Korea, and few noticed. Why? (“A Korean Manufacturer of Brown's Gas Generators,” (8 min).)

Third, Koreans should worry about foreign green futures outclassing polluting Korean ones. Japanese company Genepac has an entirely water based car. (Reuters. “Genepac’s Water Powered Car,”; 1:22 min.) It goes 300 kilometers on a liter of water--even tea works. Fourth, Indian (Tata Motors) and French (MDI) manufacturers have an entirely air based car: no pollution in or out, with an onboard air compressor/recharger. They call it a half oil and air “hybrid,” though the oil can be switched off to run on air as original models intended. These air cars have been mass manufactured for several years in India. Korean chaebol like Hyundai should wake up and smell the clean air: hybrid cars a dead end with these options around. Instead, Korean chaebol can invest in any of these corporations to expand businesses in Korea to manufacture air and water-based transportation futures or for other applications. (For instance, Taiwan’s water fuel manufacturers have great water-fuel based home appliances like stoves.) Moreover, Korean fully electric cars should get a boost, instead of the boot, from the Lee administration. China already has fully electric car manufacturing.

Nuclear or oil has no part in a Green New Deal. It is a Gray Old Scam of extortion on the future painted green. Don’t wait until the (nuclear) wind changes, literally, or the next oil slick on the soon canalized Korean rivers. Think about a native technological future within 30 years that is electrical, water, and air based without pollution. It’s doable. Does Korea have a positive image of the future, or does it only have a passive drift despite a wealth of options trod underfoot so carelessly?


  1. 1.Yunseong Choi(최윤성 20113443)
    2.South Korea’s assistance to quake-hit Japan ‘quite a statement:’ OECD aid chief; South Korea’s assistance to quake-hit Japan is very meaningful given Tokyo’s colonial reul of the Korean Peninsula, the chief of an OECD.
    3.The Brian Atwood, chairman of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee stated that the Koreans have made a generous effort putting the past aside. The article also mentions about the upcoming meeting in Busan, stressing that Korea’s contribution to the world has gone beyond the expectation. I will focus on the first statement in this week’s comment, which, talks about Japan.
    As the devastating quake shook Japan, countries all over the world were eager to help. However, the circumstance was different for Korea. Long years of colonization, disputes about land and sea land territories and other unpleasant setbacks of the past are several reasons among many. Despite of these situations, Korea was the first one to send help to Japan. This might seem as a sure thing but, as the Atwood said, I was, too, surprised by the action that Koreans took.
    The reason why I chose this article and particularly this section of this article is that I believe that if it was few decades ago, this would not happened. To explain, as world got closer and closer, through development of technology and transportation. This made numerous nations to act with morality; benefiting in whole. My ideal future, of preferable future is the world becoming as one. I do not think that the whole nations will be united; I am saying that the entire world can have peaceful future. However, if we just think about what is happening in North Africa, my preferable future does not take a chance. With the development of military weapons and firearms, probably the world would be disastrous.

    South Korea has been providing all-out help for Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11, setting aside hard feelings left over from Japan's harsh colonial rule of the Korean Peninsula from 1910-45.


  2. SeongHa HONG

    We have to effort to keep Korean Wave Stable

    Korean wave continuously grow strong.
    This Korean wave can contribute to Korea's awareness and image. We have to effort in this
    kind of situation. For example, we need to inform
    our good culture, language, etc more actively.

    The Thai government has requested Seoul to send Korean language teachers to the country, as Thailand is running short.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1. Cho A Jin

    2. Because of relaxed DTI[debt to income] regulations, house in Kang-nam region prices will increase, on the other hand, house in Kang-buk region prices will decrease.

    3. If DTI[debt to income] regulations are relaxed, a person who really wants to buy a house can get more loan from bank. So, On this occasion, they want to loan more money over their banking power, and want to buy a house in Kang-nam area. Because a house in Kang-nam region is more worthy than a house in Kang-buk region from a long-term point of view. Consequently, house in Kang-nam region prices will increase.
    강남권에선 실수요자들의 매수시기 탐색 움직임이 나타났다. 개포동 S공인 관계자는 "개포지구 개발 계획이 23일 서울시 심의를 통과해 개발이 탄력을 받게 됐다"며 "실수요자들은 대출여력이 커지고 거래세 인하 혜택도 얻을 수 있는 이번을 매입 기회로 삼으려는 분위기"라고 설명했다. 서울 강북권과 수도권에서는 거래 위축이 심화될 조짐을 보이고 있다. 고가주택이 적어 취득세 인하효과보다 DTI 규제 부활이 악영향을 미치는 요소로 부각되는 양상이다.
    it says a house in Kang-buk region prices will decrease.
    from :

  5. 1. Choi, Dahye

    2. More women leaders are expected in the near future over the world and more female power will be expected also.

    3. Currently, there are not many women leaders over the world. However, the level of academic backgrounds of female are getting higher these days so we can expect that the female power will be increasing continuously. According to this theory, there will be more welfare systems for female workers. For example, there will be more baby breaks for career women.

    4. 여성의 경제활동 참여가 지속적으로 늘어나고 각 분야에서 두각을 드러내는 여성들이 늘어남에 따라 '여성 리더십'의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 여성 리더십은 권위적이고 강한 카리스마를 내세운 기존의 리더십과는 달리 감성적이고 구성원들을 배려하며 권위를 내세우지 않는 리더십 유형을 말한다. (중략)
    여성 리더십은 남다른 '전문성'을 필수조건으로 한다. 홍승현(41) 검사는 검찰의 전문 수사 역량을 키우기 위해 올해 새롭게 도입된 '전문검사제'에 따라 지난달 공정거래 분야 전문검사로 발탁됐다. 홍 검사는 행정고시에 합격해 9년간 공정거래위원회에 근무했고, 사법고시 합격 후 검사가 된 뒤에도 공정거래 사건을 많이 맡아왔다. 홍 검사는 "공정거래업무를 지속적으로 맡아오면서 감시자 역할도 하고 민간단체들의 입장도 들으면서 전문성을 쌓아온 것이 지금은 큰 자산이 됐다"라고 말했다.(후략)


  6. Jihye Lee

    Does the idea of “wider and broader” really mean itself correctly?

    World is becoming a huge village. We learn languages and cultures of other counties and become familiar with them. We eat various foods from various countries. Our lives are almost consisted of other countries’ cultures such as American culture. This kind of globalizing change is not bad and it is also necessary to live together on earth. However, I found the problem that is languages of incompetent countries are not safe anymore. This extreme scenario is not preferable but probable and possible. It is certain that the weaker cultures will be gone whenever in the future.

    It’s just my opinion. No connection to Thai.

    The Thai government has requested Seoul to send Korean language teachers to the country, as Thailand is running short.

    According to the Korea International Cooperation Agency, the Thai government sent the request to the Korean embassy in Bangkok on Wednesday for tutors for 12 north east provinces.

  7. seo hae jung

    We have to enforce the laws for children who suffer from abuse.

    Now days, we can frequently hear some news about child abuse.
    Parents, brothers or sisters, grandparents, teachers and mere acquaintances…Many kinds of people mistreat children who are so little and weak that they can’t resist attackers. Children are not able to speak freely their opinions about what they need. They don’t know much about what is right reaction on abuse. We (adults who have upright mind) must help them in order to rescue them from dangers.
    Korea has the general tendency that common adults do not respect children’s right carefully but even also unconcern those. However children will be the leaders of our future society. And we have responsibilities to protect them from difficult situations. But Korea has faint laws to take care of children. So we should enforce the laws to guard our future society healthy. We have to give the chance to blossom their happy childhood. If we don’t give careful considerations for children, our future has no hope to be developed.


    The 31-year-old man, identified only by his last name Oh, was charged with starving and beating up his four children -- one born to his first ex-girlfriend and three to the second one, whom he lived with from 2006 until last year.
    "Although the defendants claim that the beating was for educational purpose and legitimate, their conduct cannot be seen as a way of parental guidance or educational instruction, given the numbers, means and reasons of their violence," Presiding Judge Choi Doo-ho at the Jeonju District Court said.

  8. 1.Jung Kwon Lee

    2.More researching on cloning makes more question marks on human rights and social problems.

    3.There was a cloned sheep, Dolly, in 1996. Since then, the research about the cloning has been accelerated. Human being got closer to the power of making human clone to use as an organ-transplant. However, I want to say that this is not right. Whether it is cloned human or human being, both have a human rights and emotion. In addition, even if the cloning is still ongoing research, we cannot keep investigating about the cloning based on life. It’s realm of god. Human cannot intrude into the realm of the god. In the future, when the research about the human cloning is successfully done, there going to be chaos in the society.


    4.1997년 2월 22일 세계적 권위의 과학지 네이처(Nature)지에는 암수의 생식 관계없이 태어난 복제 양 ‘돌리(Dolly)'의 탄생기사가 등장했다. 충격적이었다. 난자만 있으면 손톱이나 귀, 머리카락 등 몸에서 떨어진 세포(체세포)만으로도 복제생명체를 만들 수 있다는 걸 증명했기 때문이었다….(중략) (this article is about the cloning)



  9. 1. Javkhlantugs Byambaa JV

    2. In Tokyo, young people have sent donations and cut electricity consumption to help the victims up north.

    3.As we all know that Japan is under a process of huge recovery from huge disaster happened couple of weeks ago. It was a big washout not only in Japan, also in many people's heart all over the world. Right after the tragedy, friend of mine from same college in States, young Japanese guy, put a picture of Japanese flag as a profile picture followed by words that incites everybody else on the world to give a hand to Japan. From this, I really felt that young Japanese genies got a heart and full of motivation in them to rise Japan up again. I don't beleive that Japan can heal this pain they had but I beleive that it is "possible" that Japan, with this heart, can bring back its role on the stage again in no time.


    ...young Japanese have volunteered to help earthquake victims, bringing time, money and in some cases social-networking expertise that can reunite missing family members and coordinate aid efforts.
    ...But Tanaka bats her false eyelashes and says she has happily reduced the heat at home to save
    electricity and has sent a donation up north. "I know it's a small thing, but I want to do all
    that I can," says Tanaka. "Japan may be dark right now, but if we all come together, it will be bright again."...

