Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 2: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.

CHECK THE KOOKMIN 'CYBERCAMPUS' WEBSITE. More readings have been posted.

And email doesn't accept email. Please check your email.

For my post this week, I post something from the past about the Chernobyl disaster. [Update: Fukushima Daiinichi Reactor #1 just blew up, take some potassium iodide on my advice. It stops radioactive iodine from getting into your body.]

Remember that futures studies is plural--that it discusses potential future options given 'no correction' ("Primary scenarios" attempting at forecasting without intervention) and to discuss 'under corrections' scenarios ("secondary scenarios").

We are all watching Fukushima, Japan, around the world, hoping that their five different reactor difficulties may be brought back under 'normal' manageable control. Yes, five. Three reactors of six at Fukushima I Daiinichi have some type of difficulty. The oldest and smallest one, #1, is the main issue. It's water got so low that its rods were exposed up to 1.5 meters, leading to over 1000x normal radiation exposure within the containment vessel. There are two other difficulties at the Fukushima II Daichi reactors. This whole complex is one of the top 25 nuclear sites in the world and is the largest plant in the world as percentage of energy created for anything.

There is already claims of radiation outside the plant: I have seen 7x to 70x background radiation reported outside the main gate at Fukushima. Is nuclear power a wise future choice for anyone? As I wrote before:

"How many industrial technologies--authorized, claimed safe, etc.,--do you know that cause damage to 7 million people (3 million children in neighboring countries alone), unpredictably? And continue to fail on a regular basis without much being done to change the "organized irresponsibility?"

Check the links if you want some films about Chernobyl, and the scenario possibility in the future of something like this happening in Japan. Back to futures studies: if this is a real possibility once more after only 25 years (with plutonium radioactive for a quarter million years), how rationale is nuclear power as an energy choice when we have other alternatives, like water based fuel? I will show some films about this next session as an introduction to this point about futurist studies: it helps to clarify our values to think about future scenarios of our actions and adherence in the present.

Futures studies helps us to clarify our values in the present while it prepares us for contingencies in an imagined future.


  1. Hello teacher. I' Cho A Jin, your student.^^
    Because I've never used a blog something, I can't understand well how can I make it.
    Nevertheless, I did my assignment, in my blog. Please come to my blog, and comment what should I do more.^^
    Thank you.

  2. Hello Cho,

    Please post in the required format, here. If you have a blog with, you can post your assignment here. I described and demonstrated the process in class. I described it on the syllabus.

  3. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.


    [경제투데이] 전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다.(중략)

    전문가들은 전날 지수 하락의 이유에 대해 선물옵션 만기나 금통위의 기준금리 결정보다 IT업종의 실적 우려가 컸다는 분석이다. 금통위의 결정은 시장 예상을 벗어나지 않았고, 국내 유동성의 힘으로 만기 충격을 줄였지만, IT 업종의 1분기 실적에 대한 우려가 재차 부각됐기 때문이라는 의견이다. 하지만 지수가 이틀째 약세를 기록한 원인에 대해서는 중동과 유럽, 중국의 변동성 요인을 들었다. 오온수 현대증권 연구원은 “사우디아라비아의 ‘분노의 날’이 예정돼 있고, 유럽의 재정위기가 재차 부각되는 상황에서 EU 정상회담이 있다는 점, 중국 물가지표 등 해외 변수가 산재해 시장 불확실성이 여전하다”고 설명했다.


    It saysnow because of various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc, KOSPI will fall more than now.

    from :

    I think it is not related to this weekend theme. But I've already done it, and I want to know it is right format.

  4. Jihye Lee
    Nuclear power plants are the biggest threats in human society.

    Partial meltdowns of nuclear power station occurred in Japan. It’s the worst in the aftermath of the accident at Chernobyl. The radiation leaked from nuclear power plants will devastate humans’ life. Not only killing people directly but also through other diseases. In short, it is going to kill us slowly and painfully.

    The problem I want to mention is that we, humans, are still building more nuclear power plants which have an enormous power as powerful as atomic bombs. If we concern about the future, we should stop building and thinking about the consequences after the exposure of radiation. We are digging our own graves by building nuclear power stations.

    The earthquake and tsunami that battered northern Japan on Friday set in motion one of the worst nuclear accidents in over two decades.

    The accident at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union in 1986 — which killed 56 people directly and thousands of others through cancer and other diseases — was the only nuclear accident so far to have been designated a seven. Just one other accident has surpassed five on the scale: an explosion of dried radioactive waste at the Mayak Nuclear Power Plant near the Soviet city of Kyshtym in 1957. The blast produced a radioactive cloud that spread for hundreds of miles over what is now Russia, forcing the evacuation of 10,000 people and causing the deaths of at least 200.

  5. 1. Yunseong Choi

    2. Recent earthquake in Japan had many nations and regions in East Asia and west Pacific wonder if they are prepared for another devastaing nature disater. However, the article that I read about Korean buildings being not prepared for quakes worries me if something happened in Japan would happen to Korea any time soon. One possible senario is that most buildings will be equiped and this is also preferrable and
    probable considering the citizen's concerns. And another possible, but not preferable senario would be that the goverment does not regulate a stronger law, or develop a clearer law, about the buildings requirements because it is too costly. In this case, although Korea is not sitting on major fault lines, when the quake, with 7.0 magnitude or above, will have a devasting result, leaving most of the cities in Korea ruined.

    3. I believe that this article shows the serious problems with Korean people's view of earthquakes. This reading suggests that althogh the officials are aware of the problem, there is no significant change since the last observation.
    The one thing that the article made me wonder was that "Is there any kind of development that can be done in previously built buildings?" This is largely because Korea had not been worring about earthquakes for past decade and the previous buildings from 2008 are vulnerable to quakes. The reason that I had this question is that if there is no kind of measure that can be taken into, then we would just have to rebuild those buildings which no one would want to. Having a building rebuilt would be time, cost and effort consuming.
    One possible measure that can be taken in would be that people, especially, who owns that building, would step up by themselves and start to fix their's for numerous safety reasons. However, without any kind of support from the goverment, this would not be possible.
    Another possible, and both preferrable and probable, case would be like what Park Young-ah, a lawmaker of Grand National Party said in the article, "From now on, the government should secure related budgets and prepare earthquake-proof policies for major facilities."


    Over 80 percent of South Korea's buildings remain vulnerable to earthquakes because they were not constructed following seismic design codes, a report by the state disaster agency said Sunday.


  6. 해정 서


    Maybe,some peoples are not familiar with E-book.
    E-book's full name is electronic book,
    it means that we can read a book by using electronic equipments. Many kinds of electronic equipments are being developed throughout the world. so e-book market is also growing now.
    There are some merits when we can use the e-book program. first, we can read books with very cheap price.
    second, we need to have only one eletronic equipment to read many books. finally, if e-book market is more developed, we can read the book as soon as possible without borders. maybe we will discuss with writers instantly.
    E-book market in korea is still small and is not activated yet. but e-book market is surely bigger than now. so we wil be able to read many books with one hand.


    The reading device is equipped with a 6-inch screen and 2 gigabytes of internal storage. What kinds of features does this innovative gadget have?

    The biggest advantage of using this e-book reader device is that it allows you to take notes and look up words in a built-in dictionary. It also has search indexes that come in handy when reading reference books. You can basically do almost everything that you normally do when reading a printed book, including highlighting, annotating, drawing or taking notes directly onto the display.


    Most people think that e-book reader devices are only popular among consumers in their twenties and early thirties, but interestingly, almost 50 percent of our sales are generated by consumers in their fifties and sixties. Further analysis of consumers’ spending habits in this age group showed that those who purchase an average of 50 books annually at Kyobo also tend to purchase e-book devices and contents.


  7. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.
    [경제투데이] 전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다.(중략)

    전문가들은 전날 지수 하락의 이유에 대해 선물옵션 만기나 금통위의 기준금리 결정보다 IT업종의 실적 우려가 컸다는 분석이다. 금통위의 결정은 시장 예상을 벗어나지 않았고, 국내 유동성의 힘으로 만기 충격을 줄였지만, IT 업종의 1분기 실적에 대한 우려가 재차 부각됐기 때문이라는 의견이다. 하지만 지수가 이틀째 약세를 기록한 원인에 대해서는 중동과 유럽, 중국의 변동성 요인을 들었다. 오온수 현대증권 연구원은 “사우디아라비아의 ‘분노의 날’이 예정돼 있고, 유럽의 재정위기가 재차 부각되는 상황에서 EU 정상회담이 있다는 점, 중국 물가지표 등 해외 변수가 산재해 시장 불확실성이 여전하다”고 설명했다.


    It saysnow because of various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc, KOSPI will fall more than now.
    from :

    I think it is absolutely not related to this week's theme. but it was done before knowing this week's theme. I'm sorry...^^;;

  8. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.
    전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다. 전문가들은 전날 지수 하락의 이유에 대해 선물옵션 만기나 금통위의 기준금리 결정보다 IT업종의 실적 우려가 컸다는 분석이다. 하지만 지수가 이틀째 약세를 기록한 원인에 대해서는 중동과 유럽, 중국의 변동성 요인을 들었다. 오온수 현대증권 연구원은 “사우디아라비아의 ‘분노의 날’이 예정돼 있고, 유럽의 재정위기가 재차 부각되는 상황에서 EU 정상회담이 있다는 점, 중국 물가지표 등 해외 변수가 산재해 시장 불확실성이 여전하다”고 설명했다.
    It saysnow because of various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc, KOSPI will fall more than now.
    from :

  9. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.
    전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다.
    It saysnow because of various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc, KOSPI will fall more than now.
    from :

  10. 1. Choi, Dahye

    2. If the birth rate keeps going down in Korea, there are going to be too many problems in the near future.

    3. Many years ago, when it was 1960s, the birth rate in Korea was too high to manage. At that time, Korean government was trying to low the birth rate. I can see how the birth rate was high through my parents' generation. They usually have so many siblings. However these days, because many different condition were changed, birth rate in Korea became the lowest among OECD. In my opinion, if the birth rate keeps going down, our country would be the most old-aging society in the world. According to this, Korea's economy would be also going down because there will be not much young workers to produce goods. Then, we will have to import most of the things that we need which would be the reason of econimic crisis.


    5.요즘 사회 문제중 최대 화두는 저출산 고령화다. 이는 사회적으로 심각한 문제이다.(중략)
    고령화 문제는 혼자 살면서 사회 안전망에 구멍이 발생되고 있다. 홀로 노인이 늘어나면서 질병 등으로 인하여 진료비가 증가하여 건강보험료 지출이 60세 이상 지출이 절반 정도를 지출한다고 한다. 향후 노령화가 지속되어 의료비 지출도 급상승하리라 본다.
    (this article is about the danger of decreasing birth rate)



  11. 1. Cho A Jin
    2. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.
    3.전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다.
    It saysnow because of various global problem, KOSPI will fall more than now.
    4.from :

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  18. 1. Cho A Jin
    2. KOSPI which marked highst point is falling down. And this trend will continue, because of IT company's bad achievements, and various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc.
    3.전날 기준금리 인상과 선물옵션 만기일에도 선방했던 지수가 이틀째 큰 폭 하락했다. 전문가들은 국내 변동성 요인이었던 이벤트는 종료됐지만, 중동발 리스크를 비롯한 유럽, 중국의 해외 변수가 남아 있기 때문에 다음주 시장 역시 예의주시해야 한다고 조언했다.
    It saysnow because of various global problem, such as Middle East Trouble, Japan's earthquake,etc, KOSPI will fall more than now.
    4.from :

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 1. Javkhlantugs Byambaa (Javhaa or JV)

    2. Distance will no longer put much impact in our lives.

    3. Think about you traveling, in any given distance, faster than you travel in the car, or on the airplane, or even at a speed of the most recent and fastest military jumbo jets on the world. Literally, I'm talking about a speed that is faster than a speed of blink of an eye or a sound of snapping fingers. According to the world's one of the youngest sciences, Quantum Physics, human kind will be able to produce such a speed by studying and exploring more about this science. Matter of a fact, I believe someday we can travel through times, and travel the place that we think far like really far at this times in no time. I mean, think about moon and stars and the whole universe! Of course, I'm not talking about anytime soon but this prediction is "Possible" :D


    "In the realm of quantum physics, observing something actually influences the physical processes taking place. Light waves act like particles and particles act like waves (called wave particle duality). Matter can go from one spot to another without moving through the intervening space (called quantum tunneling). Information moves instantly across vast distances. In fact, in quantum mechanics we discover that the entire universe is actually a series of probabilities. Fortunately, it breaks down when dealing with large objects."


  25. 1.Jung Kwon Lee

    2.If the bullying or the violence is not stopped, it will cause many kinds of social problems.

    3.It has been on the top issue, that bullying in the school. In the past, bullying or violence in the school was not a serious problem. It could be happened in the class. Parents also thought that those kinds of problems happening between students can be solved easily. However, nowadays it’s became very serious problem in the society. Because of the bullying in the class, students get a stressed out and that caused them even to the suicide. In addition, we cannot say anymore that the bullying is the problem which only happens between students. For example, in the Korean army, one soldier who gets stressed out extremely by other soldiers did suicide bombing in the room where the other soldiers were sleeping. In my opinion, if this problem exists any longer, it will cause more and more disaster in the society.


    4.학원폭력이나 따돌림으로 정신적 스트레스를 받은 아이들은 극단적인 경우, 자살을 택하거나, 공격성을 드러낸다. 교실에서는 종종 흉기난동사건이 벌어지며, '왕따', '이지메'라는 단어는 학생들에게 전혀 낯선 단어가 아니다.특히 왕따문제는 사회의 시한폭탄과도 같다. (중략)..학원폭력이나 왕따 문제는 어제오늘 일이 아니지만 그 심각성은 이제 그냥 넘어갈 수준이 아니다.



  26. WHATA OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING PPLE?? I posted and I was so happy but little bit later I refreshed my page and it doesn't show anything... Where is my article? :(

  27. 1. Javkhlantugs Byambaa (Javhaa or JV)

    2. Distance will no longer put much impact in our lives.

    3. Think about you traveling, in any given distance, faster than you travel in the car, or on the airplane, or even at a speed of the most recent and fastest military jumbo jets on the world. Literally, I'm talking about a speed that is faster than a speed of blink of an eye or a sound of snapping fingers. According to the world's one of the youngest sciences, Quantum Physics, human kind will be able to produce such a speed by studying and exploring more about this science. Matter of a fact, I believe someday we can travel through times, and travel the place that we think far like really far at this times in no time. I mean, think about moon and stars and the whole universe! Of course, I'm not talking about anytime soon but this prediction is "Possible" :D

  28. -----------------------------

    "In the realm of quantum physics, observing something actually influences the physical processes taking place. Light waves act like particles and particles act like waves (called wave particle duality). Matter can go from one spot to another without moving through the intervening space (called quantum tunneling). Information moves instantly across vast distances. In fact, in quantum mechanics we discover that the entire universe is actually a series of probabilities. Fortunately, it breaks down when dealing with large objects."


  29. 1. Jung Kwon Lee
    2. If the bullying or the violence is not stopped, it will cause many kinds of social problems.
    3. It has been on the top issue, that bullying in the school. In the past, bullying or violence in the school was not a serious problem. It could be happened in the class. Parents also thought that those kinds of problems happening between students can be solved easily. However, nowadays it’s became very serious problem in the society. Because of the bullying in the class, students get a stressed out and that caused them even to the suicide. In addition, we cannot say anymore that the bullying is the problem which only happens between students. For example, in the Korean army, one soldier who gets stressed out extremely by other soldiers did suicide bombing in the room where the other soldiers were sleeping. In my opinion, if this problem exists any longer, it will cause more and more disaster in the society.

  30. 4.학원폭력이나 따돌림으로 정신적 스트레스를 받은 아이들은 극단적인 경우, 자살을 택하거나, 공격성을 드러낸다. 교실에서는 종종 흉기난동사건이 벌어지며, '왕따', '이지메'라는 단어는 학생들에게 전혀 낯선 단어가 아니다.특히 왕따문제는 사회의 시한폭탄과도 같다. (중략)..학원폭력이나 왕따 문제는 어제오늘 일이 아니지만 그 심각성은 이제 그냥 넘어갈 수준이 아니다.



  31. OH yes!!! I cut my article in half and it works now!

  32. 4. 학원폭력이나 따돌림으로 정신적 스트레스를 받은 아이들은 극단적인 경우, 자살을 택하거나, 공격성을 드러낸다. 교실에서는 종종 흉기난동사건이 벌어지며, '왕따', '이지메'라는 단어는 학생들에게 전혀 낯선 단어가 아니다.특히 왕따문제는 사회의 시한폭탄과도 같다. (중략)..학원폭력이나 왕따 문제는 어제오늘 일이 아니지만 그 심각성은 이제 그냥 넘어갈 수준이 아니다.



  33. -----------------------------------------

    4. 학원폭력이나 따돌림으로 정신적 스트레스를 받은 아이들은 극단적인 경우, 자살을 택하거나, 공격성을 드러낸다. 교실에서는 종종 흉기난동사건이 벌어지며, '왕따', '이지메'라는 단어는 학생들에게 전혀 낯선 단어가 아니다.특히 왕따문제는 사회의 시한폭탄과도 같다. (중략)..학원폭력이나 왕따 문제는 어제오늘 일이 아니지만 그 심각성은 이제 그냥 넘어갈 수준이 아니다.



  34. Jv..
    even if i cut it in half.. it doesn't work...


    Hardship in one country make world's bond strong

    Recently, disaster are occuring frequently.

    above all things, Japan's Earthquake arouse people's attention to Nature.

    But I think I saw the bright future in this event. Just like Their Homeland

    suffer from disaster, People in foreign country mourned and donate to japan.

    even we korean who have some bad feeling to japan are sincerely mourning.

    The very this attitude will make this world's bond strong.
    Korean businesses including Hyundai Motor Group, SK Group and S-Oil have forged financial support for Japan in the aftermath of the massive earthquake and an ensuing tsunami it suffered last week, they said Thursday.

