Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 11: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.


On Thursday, we finished Garreau and the "GRINs" technological futures/scenarios. If you were absent you missed some interesting videos. Here's another:

Amputee Patrick demonstrates his new bionic hand
May 2011

"Last year, Patrick, a 24-year-old Austrian, decided to have his dysfunctional hand amputated and replaced with a bionic hand. He lost the use of his left hand after being electrocuted at work.

Here he demonstrates the extra movement his new bionic hand has given him, opening a bottle and tying his shoelaces, and tests a prototype hand which will give him additional wrist movement."

'Thought-controlled' wheelchair unveiled
February 2011

"Scientists in Switzerland have devised a prototype "thought-controlled" wheelchair. The chair can be guided by brain signals which are detected by a cap worn by the user and interpreted by a computer. Here, the researchers behind it discuss and demonstrate the wheelchair at their facilities at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. Details of the work have been presented to the annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington DC."

Brain orchestra's world premiere (2009)

"Musicians use their brain waves to play computer-generated notes while led by an 'emotional conductor' in Prague. The graphs of those brain waves are projected onto one of two large screens above the orchestra. The performers launch sounds or affect their frequencies using EEG systems that measure their brain activity. Two of the performers were given a task to watch a screen in front of them, with flashing rows and columns of letters, and told to look for a particular letter. When they see it, 300 thousandths of a second later a signal appears in the EEG, causing a note to play."

The blind rock climber who sees with his tongue
May 2011

"Erik Weihenmayer went blind when he was 13 years old but new technology enables him to see with his tongue. The BrainPort device gives him a sense of space and, together with a friend nearby, helps him scale Utah's formidable Castleton Rock."

Project to build computer model of human brain takes off

London, May 16, 2011

A team of scientists has assembled in Switzerland and Germany to attempt the unthinkable -- building a computer model of human brain. It could potentially open the way to cures for various diseases such as Parkinson's.

Called the Human Brain Project, but dubbed 'Team Frankenstein', scientists claim it could also lead to intelligent robots and supercomputers which would dwarf those currently in existence.

Henry Markram, a neuroscientist at the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland, has assembled a team of nine top European scientists for the research effort.

"This is one of the three grand challenges for humanity. We need to understand earth, space and the brain. We need to understand what makes us human," Markram said, reports the Daily Mail.

Scientists and researchers on the Brain Project believe that if they secure the funding, they will be able to replicate mankind's most vital organ in 12 years.

The applications for it if successful are enormous; drug companies for instance would be able to dramatically shorten testing times by bypassing humans to test new medicaments on the computer model.

Supercomputers at the Jülich Research Center near Cologne, Germany, are earmarked to play a vital role in the research which Makram says will involve ‘a tsunami of data’.

Jülich neuroscientist Katrin Amunts has begun work on a detailed atlas of the brain which involved slicing one into 8,000 parts which were then digitalized with a scanner.

Makram added: ‘It is not impossible to build a human brain. We can do it in just over 10 years.

‘This will, when successful, help two billion people annually who suffer from some type of brain impairment.’


Meanwhile, billions of people starve in the same world. Garreau said mind-machine interfaces were "military experimental" in 2004 at DARPA. Now there are market applications and artistic applications from 2009 to 2011 expanding everywhere.

Next week, we

a. discuss some geopolitical trends of powerful countries and
b. discuss some powerful non-democratic trends in the early 21st century.

Look in the syllabus at the following books.

1. Friedman (digital), read the China and U.S. chapters.
2. Engdahl (digital), skim
3. Engdahl (printed packet), skim
4. Klein (digital), Just read the first chapter.

Friedman concentrates on probable trends and his futurist scenarios of who will dominate the 21st century.

The other books document important trends that will assuredly have an effect on geopolitical power in the 21st century.

I plan to catch up next week on our blog coverage as well. I had your extra credit mid-terms in class today. If you didn't get them, I will bring them next week as well.


  1. 1.Jung Kwon Lee

    2.Only developing technology is not the way to develop our society.

    3.Nowadays, a lot of people have smart phone. One of the best reasons why smart phone become popular is because of its application. There are varieties of applications in smart phone. Many people are inventing application without thinking about aftereffect. As a result, among teens, pornography is prevailed without any security. There should be specific solution on this problem. Otherwise, there going to be these kinds of chaos in the society.


    4.부천에 사는 박 모군(18)은 얼마 전 반 친구로부터 ‘죽여주는’ 사이트가 있다는 이야기를 들었다. 친구가 가르쳐 준 사이트에 접속해 보니 수많은 야동을 마음대로 골라볼 수 있었다. 결국 이곳 사이트 주소는 반 전체로 퍼져나갔다. 스마트폰에서 포르노 수준의 야한 동영상(이하 야동)을 볼 수 있는 사이트가 청소년들 사이에서 암암리에 퍼지고 있어 충격을 주고 있다. 특히 이들 사이트는 성인 인증이나 회원 가입 등 어떠한 절차도 없이 사이트 주소만 알면 수만편의 포르노를 무료로 감상할 수 있어 청소년 보호에 비상이 걸렸다.



  2. 1. Yunseong Choi

    2. Travel Fair to Attract Foreign Tourists

    3. There is going to be 200 heads of travel agencies gathered to know more about Korean attractions. Korea International Travel Mart will be held at COEX and Lotte Hotel. With more people with lesuire time and money to afford abroad vacation, this opportunity will give a promising result if it goes right. Most preferable senario would be that tourists will not only stay in Seoul, but also visit other provinces around the country and in great quantity. However, the article states that the people of the agencies will experience the high-end packages meaning that the event is targeting the minority instead of the majority.

    4. Hundreds of representatives from travel agencies around the world will gather for a large-scale international travel fair next month to share with ideas and strategies to lure more travelers to Korea.


  3. 1.Choi Dahye

    2.The demand of rice is decreasing in Korea.

    3.Korean people tend to eat other food than rice. Major food of Korea was rice until now but nowadays it is changing slowly. Also the supply of rice is decreasing so when we calculate, one person in Korea eat approximately 71kg per a year. In this tendency, the supply and demand of rice will be decreasing continuously.

    4.정부의 쌀소비 권장정책에도 쌀 소비량이 계속 줄어들고 있다. 올해 양곡연도(2010년 11월∼2011년 10월)에는 1인당 소비량이 역대 최저치인 71㎏대에 머물 전망이다.


  4. Jihye Lee

    Technologies merge into our daily life.

    From the article underneath, automated parking system has completed and it seems that it will change our lives very much in a way. Furthermore, there already been a car moving without human inside. In the near future, human will not drive but the car itself. Technology so far was for science things but now it is changing.

    I am afraid of high-technology(movie 'Terminator' affects me), however, there will be a lot of convinience through this kind of science.

    5BY2, one of Europes leading suppliers of fully automated parking systems, has completed its latest project.

  5. SeongHa HONG

    Anti-Virus industry will more grow

    Recently many new virus type are emerging.
    For this emergence, many anti program user are increasing. In future more people will engage in
    anti-virus industry

    There has appeared a new poisoning attack of search engine optimization (SEO) which forces victims into the sites hosting malicious code when a photo is clicked in a search engine-----------------------------------------------

  6. Haejung Seo

    Growing fear of radiation releases

    Many malformed organisms have been found after nuclear power plant at Chernobyl exploded.
    And Japan also suffers from leak of nuclear power plant and even finds deformed plants on suspicion of links to radiation releases. It is a very important issue for our generation.
    If malformation of plants is real caused by radiation, radiation maybe effects on people who under the influence of radiation. Over time, terrible deformed child will be appeared.


    지난 18일(현지시간) 일본의 한 온라인 커뮤니티 게시판에 기형 식물들의 사진들이 올라와 충격을 주고 있다고 현지 언론이 보도했다.

    현지에서는 이러한 기형식물들의 출현이 원전사고로 인한 방사능 유출 때문이 아니냐며 의혹을 제기하고 있다.


  7. 1. Javkhlantugs Byambaa

    2. Judgement Day- 05/21/2011 starts..

    3. I hope everybody remembers movie 2012. It is about world's end according to the great prophecies, Bible, and of course the Mayan calendar. According to the Mayan calender the world comes to its end precisely on December 21, 2012. Therefore also, according to Bible, Many Christians believed that May 21st of 2011 would be the start of the Dooming on the world, when Jesus Christ comes down to earth once again and brings the good ones with home to Heaven and leaves the bad ones behind and turns world into never ending Hell.
    Well, same here, eventhough I'm not Christian I was secretly hoping to see some miracles on that day which was yesterday, the Saturday. But here I am again, writing you guys this message with all my glorious existence. :)....
    Professor, do you believe in it? I'm just interested in your futuristic view on this.


    2011 AD—On May 21st, Judgment Day will begin and the rapture (the taking up into heaven of God’s elect people) will occur at the end of the 23-year great tribulation. On October 21st, the world will be destroyed by fire (7000 years from the flood; 13,023 years from creation).

